-Info Sheet-

Mun's Info

CartoonsFalse Friends
Bad Jokes 
  • Name: "Anna" (can also refer as Red, Redfox)

  • She/Her

  • 24 years old

  • Friendly / bit shy

  • 2 years of RP experience

  • Spanish / English

  • Slow Replies

  • Oc / Canon Friendly

Vlad Terrance

Voice Claims


  • Sin of Pride

  • He/Him

  • Speaks Spanish and English

  • Plays the Viola in his free time

  • Musical Lover

  • One of the friendliest demons you'll ever meet in hell

  • No cooking Skills

  • Has a hard time with technology

  • Always up for a drink

  • Has a pet chicken called "Enriqueta"

Life and Death

Vlad, or rather Baldomero, grew up in a working upper-middle-class family. He had a good childhood (something rare at the time),
Baldomero, or Valdi, as his friends and family called him, moved to the capital at the age of 17 to study literature, but soon found his passion in comedy and theatre. It wasn't long before he started doing short monologues in bars in exchange for a free drink.
Vlad was not alone in the city, he was part of a comedy duo with Andrés, his childhood friend. Together they complemented each other in good times and bad, if Andrés thought of doing something funny, Valdi would join in, no matter what the situation was. On one of their village tours, they met Sofia, an intelligent young woman who loved the performing arts. Baldomero couldn't help but fall in love with her, but their interest was not mutual as it was clear that the sparks between Andres and Sofia were strong. Baldomero decided to put his emotions aside to avoid conflict on stage. The most important thing for him at this point was his show and with time he was able to accept this unrequited love.The life of a comedian was prosperous, and besides, the two most important people in his life got married and had a little girl with brown eyes like his mother and distinguished freckles like his father. Although happy for his friends, Valdi couldn't help but feel distanced from them. So he turned his attention to comedy, the only place where he was the centre of attention and the source of laughter and giggles.After a few years, the director of the theatre began to threaten the duo in order to influence the public opinion of certain important figures in the city. Andrés ignores him and decides to leave the theatre, but Valdi is unable to give up his addiction to laughter and being the centre of attention. Andrés argues with him, telling him that he is blinded by fame and ends up resigning, thus breaking up the comedy duo.A few weeks later Andrés and Sofía died in a car accident leaving Marta in charge of Valdi (this was stipulated in his will because financially, he was able to support the little girl). On top of that, Sofia's family was in France and Marta did not even know that part of the family as they did not agree with her mother's way of life.Valdi started to become a puppet of the theatre director, his jokes were no longer his own and to make matters worse, these jokes were at first harmless but as time went by they became hurtful and offensive towards various people creating hatred and discord in the streets, at a time when there were factions in the streets and tension was in the air.At least Valdi kept a little bit of happiness in that place, his now adopted daughter Marta, who was still a little girl when her parents' accident happened, was able to cope with the pain thanks to the company of Valdi whom she considered as her uncle/father figure, the only reason why Baldomero had not left the theatre that made him so unhappy was because of the money he was supporting them both with.The point of no return for Vlad came when he eavesdropped on a conversation between the theatre director and an investor, bragging about Andres and Sofia's ''accident'', declaring that it was a shame and that, if they had kept their mouths shut, they would still be alive. Valdi connected the dots and realised that what he thought was an accident was actually sabotage. Fearing for Marta's life, he sent her to France with her mother's family, promising that they would meet at the train station. With her safely away, he decided to plan a monologue in which he would end his stage career, much to his regret, for even though he was still a puppet of others and the lies and hurtful words he told on stage, part of him still enjoyed the attention.But there came a point when it was over. He had had enough of the fame and deceit, soon he would uncover the truth of the theatre. He planned to do so in his last monologue before leaving for France to join Marta. He never got to feel the light of the spotlight. The last thing he remembers before he died was hearing the noise from behind the theatre curtains and a sharp pain in his back. From then on it was all darkness, or so he thought.He died in 1935 at the age of 39.

His ''life'' in hell

Looking in one of the shop windows, he noticed that his hair was white and his skin was grey, except for his chin, which was red. His sky blue eyes and yellow pupils were unrecognisable to him. Feeling his fingers through his back, he could feel a hollow in the centre, like one of those dummies that they handle to make shows at fairs, after feeling the touch of his skin he understood, he had become a ventriloquist doll, but he had a conscience of his own and no owner of his words anymore.Time went by and it was clear that he was not the strongest or the most intelligent, but he earned a place in Hell's society for his way with words and sense of humour. This made him have connections all over the city, both good and horrible, from which he came out badly. Nowadays he works in ''El Clavel Feliz'', a pub where he does stand-up comedy in the nighttime, he is not the only one in the place and anyone is free to go on stage but it is worth noting that Vlad is one of the stars of the place. His life is not all about the night, as he works at 666 news since one of his colleagues Tom Trench (the news anchor) asked him for advice and assistance on how to deliver the news. Vlad gives him a hand with the jokes as the information comes in. Both are also not on good terms with Katie Killjoy.Vlad keeps missing Marta and regrets breaking his promise to meet her in France, years passed and he assumed she was no longer in the land of the living. He assumed that she would not be in hell since with his popularity she would have contacted him by now, so he made peace with the idea that she was in heaven with her parents. As much as he would like to be reunited with them, the thought of what hell has made him become and how they ended up last time arguing keeps running through his mind. Maybe one day he will have the courage to look them in the face again, but in the meantime, he will continue to entertain the masses in one hell of a place.

Otto Salvatore

Reference Sheet

Voice Claims


  • Sin of Sloth

  • He / him

  • Speaks Italian, English and a bit of Spanish

  • He is a gargoyle, he can turn his body into stone but isn't a fan of that.

  • Tattoo artist who has his own studio in the suburbs

  • He can control his creations (tattoos). They can come out of his body and uses them

  • Loves the adrenaline rush and participates in illegal car races

  • He likes playing pool

  • Bad guy with a heart of gold

  • When he goes to the pub to play pool, he often bets illegally on the races.

  • Loves to tease other demons

Life and Death

Otto was an apprentice in a tattoo studio in Siena, a town in Toscana. He had grown up there with his sister Lucia and although his childhood was quite normal. But unfortunately, at the age of 23, his younger sister got involved with the mafia and to pay off her debt and to protect her, he became their henchman, who did some of the dirty work for them. Not only beating up or torturing those who owed favours or money to the organisation, but also rigging illegal races where bets were placed for the mafia's profit. Although on the surface he was apathetic about the situation, inside he could feel nothing but regret and disgust for himself. He always reminded himself that he was doing everything to protect his sister, but with each job, he buried his emotions deeper and deeper until he was left with a stone-cold attitude.The only things that gave him an escape from it all were the company of his sister, whom he was able to send out of town to study art history and the other thing were illegal racing. The mafia reminded him that although his sister wasn't around, she was still under the organisation's thumb, always in the spotlight. Competing in the races was a double-edged sword because, at the same time as he felt the adrenaline of the moment, he did not stop working for them, feeling like a pawn during the race.He never had the courage to tell his sister about his source of income, but one day Lucia visited him to surprise him and discovered the truth when she arrived in the village due to the fame he had built up there. The sister, not knowing the reason why, left him a letter explaining everything and telling him that she would see him again once he left the mafia. Otto, scared of losing one of the most important things in his life, began to prepare a plan to leave the organisation. Unfortunately, he was unknowingly discovered and sent to compete in another of his illegal out-of-town races.During the race something wasn't right, the crowd was small and the race was running later than usual. On the track, before reaching one of the corners, he realised that his brakes had been sabotaged and he was unable to slow down. To make matters worse, one of the cars he was leading blew him off the track in the same corner like a leaf blown by the wind.He ended up crashing into the ruins of a church on the outskirts of the city. The accident was serious because when he regained consciousness, he felt a sharp pain. One of the metal parts of the car had broken off in the accident and ended up in his abdomen. As he felt his life slipping through his fingers, even in the dark, he looked up at the open night sky, which was visible thanks to the advanced state of ruin. In his last moments, he noticed an imposing gargoyle that was covered with moss from the progression of time. His gaze was fixed on him, penetrating, he could have sworn it was judging him for all his actions. Thinking how they were not so different, for they were both protecting something important to them and were made of stone. As if it were a competition, he held his gaze with the statue until there was a clear winner.

His ''life'' in hell

Once in hell, he began to do what he knew best, doing little jobs for one or another, eventually got enough to set up his own tattoo studio. He promised himself he would never be subjugated by anyone, never again.
Even though he has been in hell for a couple of decades, he still has that young spirit and love for adrenaline that characterises him so much. He has no intention of going to heaven, as he has already settled into the atmosphere here. From time to time, he wonders how his sister is doing and whether she is making the most of her life. It was not worth it to burden himself with something he could no longer do anything about. Instead, he now had a whole eternity to enjoy death.